Olive Branch Petition (4)



 On July 5, 1775, Congress with the help of John Dickinson (a conservative delegate from Pennsylvania) drafted the Olive Branch Petition. They sharply protested against the oppressive British laws and asked the king to stop the war, repeal the Coercive Acts Intolerable Acts (4) and bring about reconciliation. King George III (4) of England refused to read the petition and proclaimed on August 23 that the colonists were in rebellion and he would end it with the royal military force. The petition was critical of the Parliament and the King, but recognized the relationship between American and England as something other nations look up upon. They did not challenge their loyalty to the king, they only wished to expand their own personal rights.




Yupei C.



Conway Cabal (4)

General John Burgoyne (4)

General Benedict Arnold (4)